Long Beach Divorce Lawyer
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Long Beach Divorce Attorney
If you have decided to end your marriage in Long Beach, CA, or if you and your spouse have made the mutual decision to divorce, the legal process you face is likely to be one of the most challenging of your life. Even when divorcing spouses agree on most aspects of their dissolution and are relatively agreeable toward one another, the formal legal proceedings involved in a divorce are more complex than many people realize.
Legal Representation for Long Beach Divorce Cases
An experienced Long Beach divorce attorney can make your divorce experience significantly easier, eliminating a great deal of the uncertainty these legal proceedings often cause. The Law Offices of Stacy L. Campuzano can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate your divorce with confidence. Our Long Beach family law lawyers team has years of experience representing Long Beach, CA, clients in complex divorce cases, and we will leverage this experience and the full scope of our professional resources in handling your divorce case.
Why Do I Need a Long Beach Divorce Attorney?

While it is technically possible to handle a divorce case on your own without an attorney, doing so is inadvisable for several reasons. First, you are likely to make critical errors in handling your own divorce case that can lead to a one-sided divorce settlement, compelling you to return to court to modify the order in the future. You could also end up with elements of a divorce settlement that do not serve your best interests, or you may encounter unexpected issues regarding property division, child custody determination, or various other aspects of your divorce that you do not know how to address on your own.
Some people may believe that self-representation is realistic and will save them money on legal fees, but the cost of your Long Beach divorce attorney’s services is likely much less than you stand to lose if you attempt to handle your case alone. You are also less likely to agree to disadvantageous divorce terms when you have an experienced lawyer reviewing your case as it unfolds, providing valuable advice as you cover the critical aspects of your dissolution proceedings. Additionally, the right attorney can help you finalize your divorce much more quickly than you may have initially anticipated, helping you reach the next phase of your life faster than expected.
Instead of attempting to handle your divorce proceedings alone while managing your personal and professional life, have a Long Beach divorce lawyer handle your legal affairs and provide direction as your case unfolds. Your legal team can help you address every aspect of your divorce effectively while providing you the flexibility to manage your personal affairs and prepare for the next phase of your life with peace of mind.
California Divorce Statutes You Should Know
California has one of the highest divorce rates in the US, and the state enforces various strict legal statutes pertaining to divorce proceedings. These include the mandatory six-month waiting period and the state’s community property law. As far as the waiting period is concerned, the absolute soonest you can obtain a divorce order is six months from when your divorce petition is filed. In most cases, divorce proceedings are likely to exceed this six-month window, but even spouses in uncontested divorce cases will need to complete this six-month waiting period before their divorces are finalized.
When it comes to the state’s community property law, many California residents find it inflexible or even unfair at times. California family courts are strict in applying the community property law, requiring divorcing spouses to evenly split all marital assets and property as well as responsibility for shared debts in divorce. While you may have concerns about how property division is likely to unfold in your case, it is vital to understand what an experienced Long Beach divorce attorney can provide in terms of guiding you through your divorce proceedings and helping you reach a mutually agreeable divorce settlement.
How Does the Divorce Process Start?
Divorce begins once you, your spouse, or both of you decide to end your marriage. However, the formal legal process of dissolution starts once a divorce petition is filed with the Long Beach family court. The divorce petition includes the petitioner’s reason for filing for divorce and their preferred terms for the divorce. California state law does not require a petitioner to list a specific reason for a divorce, and most divorce petitions are filed because of irreconcilable differences. This is a blanket term used to denote that a marriage has broken down beyond any hope of potential reconciliation.
It’s also possible to cite more specific reasons for divorce, but these reasons rarely have any bearing on the outcome of the case. The only exceptions would be domestic violence and other criminal actions. For example, suppose a marriage has broken down because one spouse committed a crime or domestic violence against the other spouse. In that case, their behavior may influence the outcome of divorce proceedings and lead to criminal prosecution.
Once the petitioner has submitted their petition, the court will review the petition and send formal divorce papers to the other spouse. At this point, the respondent may either agree to the petitioner’s terms in an uncontested divorce or disagree with some or all of their proposed terms, leading to contested divorce proceedings. Any divorce is likely to entail several issues, and it can take months to resolve complex divorces in Long Beach, CA.
What Does a Divorce Case Include?
A divorce is more than just ending a marriage contract. The dissolution process must address the divorcing couple’s property and assign custody rights over their children if they have any. Your divorce case is likely to include multiple issues that all require resolution, including:
- Property division. California enforces a strict community property law. You and your spouse must disclose all of your financial records, declare separate property rights, and negotiate the division of your marital property and debts. Property division is often one of the most contentious aspects of divorce, and California’s community property laws can seem overbearing and inflexible in some cases. Your Long Beach divorce lawyer can help you navigate this aspect of your divorce with ongoing support and detailed guidance so you can complete financial disclosure and secure a fair share of marital property from your divorce.
- Child custody. If parents divorce, the most critical aspect of their dissolution proceedings will be determining child custody rights. Divorcing spouses must prepare for a Long Beach, CA, family court judge to rule on their custody determination. The state has a legal responsibility to preserve the best interests of children a custody order will affect. While parents can privately negotiate a proposal for a parenting plan, a Long Beach family court judge must review it to ensure it aligns with the best interests of their children and accounts for their children’s needs.
- Child support. When one parent assumes a more significant share of parental responsibility than the other, the court considers this parent to be the custodial parent. Child support is closely linked to child custody, and the parent with greater physical custody of their children can typically expect to receive child support payments from their children’s other parent. Like child custody, the final determination regarding child support is in the hands of the Long Beach family court judge handling the divorce.
- Orders of protection. Suppose one of the divorcing spouses has experienced domestic violence of any kind from the other spouse. In that case, the court can issue a protective order that prevents the abuser from contacting or harming the victim any further. Typically, a domestic violence case will begin with a temporary protective order that can become a permanent protective order through divorce proceedings.
Every divorce is unique, and it can be challenging to anticipate how any divorce case will unfold. Many people dread the expected high cost of legal fees and time required to complete dissolution proceedings in California, but some options can not only help you save time and money on your divorce but also enable you to reach a more agreeable divorce resolution than litigation would permit.
Alternative Dispute Resolution for a Long Beach, CA, Divorce Case
Many couples ending their marriages in California and throughout the United States explore alternative dispute resolution to avoid the time, stress, and expense typically required for divorce. The most commonly used forms of alternative dispute resolution are collaborative divorce and mediation. Collaborative divorce is essentially private settlement negotiation for divorce. The two spouses and their divorce lawyers meet privately and negotiate their divorce order. Mediation is similar but benefits from a neutral third party overseeing and guiding negotiations.
In divorce mediation, the two spouses and their respective attorneys meet with a divorce mediator, typically a legal professional who has no conflicts of interest favoring either of the spouses. During mediation sessions, the couple negotiates each item their divorce includes one by one. The mediator’s job is to keep the conversation flowing and focused while assisting the couple in drafting their divorce order.
Mediation is typically preferable to litigation for many reasons, including:
- More expedient results. Divorce mediation usually only requires a fraction of the time that divorce litigation takes. While a divorce that unfolds in court may take several months or even longer than a year to complete, mediation can potentially allow a divorcing couple to finalize the process within a month or two.
- Substantial savings. Since mediation is faster than litigation, both spouses will not spend as much on legal fees. Divorce attorneys usually bill their clients by the hour, so the more time they spend on a case, the more expensive it is for the client. If you decide to pursue mediation, you can have your Long Beach divorce attorney attend all of your mediation sessions or only have them attend the most pivotal meetings to save money on your legal fees.
- Greater control over the outcome. Mediation allows a divorcing couple to exercise more influence over the outcome of their dissolution proceedings. Private negotiation tends to result in more personalized divorce terms. In contrast, litigation would mean the judge has the final say on every aspect of the divorce, and the outcome is essentially entirely outside the couple’s control.
- Greater ease and comfort in settling a divorce. The courtroom environment is daunting and uncomfortable for most people. Alternative dispute resolution allows a divorcing couple to complete negotiations for their dissolution in a low-pressure environment conducive to negotiation.
Several benefits come with alternative dispute resolution, and this option is open to virtually any divorcing couple. So even if you believe you and your spouse cannot agree on anything and have trouble maintaining civility in basic conversations, it is still possible to take advantage of the benefits of alternative dispute resolution as long as both of you are willing to try the process.
What to Expect From Your Long Beach Divorce Lawyer
Finding the right attorney to represent you is the first step in a successful divorce. While the divorce process poses significant emotional challenges to anyone who experiences it, the right attorney on your side can help you approach the situation with clarity and confidence, assisting you in reaching a divorce settlement that serves your best interests. It’s vital to take the time to find legal representation you can trust for this challenging process. The emotional aspects of your divorce can make it challenging to maintain objectivity and stay focused on your practical needs. The right attorney can offer the support and professional legal guidance you need to make confident, informed decisions about your divorce.
The Law Offices of Stacy L. Campuzano can offer the representation you need in this challenging situation. Our firm has successfully represented many past clients in complex divorce cases, and we will apply the full scope of our professional resources, skills, and experience in handling your divorce. So, if you are preparing to end your marriage and need the services of an experienced Long Beach divorce attorney, contact the Law Offices of Stacy L. Campuzano today and schedule a consultation with our team.